Spanish Cello
Iagoba Fanlo & Pablo Amorós
On November 11, 1930 the composer Gustavo Pittaluga formally presented in Madrid’s Residencia de Estudiantes the «Manifesto de los Ocho», introducing what would later be known as the «Generación del 27» and thus securing a fraternal bond with the vigorous poetic movement in full bloom at the time in Spain which, however, would be dramatically dispersed and silenced in 1939 with the advent of general Franco’s backward and bloody dictatorship. The forward-thinking group of musicians known as el «Grupo de los Ocho» (alluding to the French «Les Six»), with Salvador Bacarisse, Julián Bautista, Rosa García Ascot, Ernesto and Rodolfo Halffter, Juan José Mantecón, Fernando Remacha and Pittaluga himself at its core, took up as its cause to accept Falla’s legacy and to combine Spanish music with contemporary European avant-garde currents while embracing a newly-forged nationalism that likewise drew inspiration from the distant past of composers such as Cabanilles, Victoria, Sanz, Scarlatti, and Soler. Almost all members of this generation –also known as the Generation of the Republic– went into exile at the end of Spain’s «Uncivil War» in 1939.