Granados Songs

E. Granados: Canción del postillón (D. Menéndez - baritone)


Elena de la Merced, soprano
Carol García, mezzo
David Menéndez, baritone
Rubén Fernández Aguirre, piano

A hundred years following the death of Enrique Granados, the Ibs Classical recording company, based in Granada, presents this double CD with the complete songs for voice and piano. Who does not know Tonadillas en estilo antiguo or the Canciones amatorias, or the delightful Elegia eterna? But is it known that Granados composed forty songs? And six of them for barítone? Or that Las currutacas modestas was originally written for two voices?. The main value of this disc lies in the presentation of eight songs never recorded until now, however improbable that may seem for one of Spain’s most universal composers. Apart from Vita Nuova in Italian, mentioned above, his only French song, Mignon, is heard here for the first time, with five of the eleven Catalan songs: Lo rei i el joglar, Cançó de Gener II, Balada, Escenes de l´exili and No m´enterreu al cementerio, as well as the scintillating Canción del postillón from the set of songs in Spanish.


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